Field Sobriety Tests and Your DUI Case

Driving Under the Influence (DUI) charges in Arizona are serious and can remain on your permanent record throughout your life. Additionally, a DUI conviction in Arizona can include substantial fines, the suspension of a driver’s license, and jail time. If you, a friend, or a family member has been arrested for a DUI, contact and experienced DUI attorney to understand your rights, especially if you submitted to a field sobriety test.

Field Sobriety Tests

When a motorist is stopped on a roadway by a police officer under the suspicion of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, law enforcement may carry out a series of preliminary roadside tests called field sobriety tests.
The United States National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) established these specific field sobriety tests as a way for law enforcement to determine if motorists were impaired due to drugs or alcohol while operating a motor vehicle.
In order to administer these tests, law enforcement must have consent from the driver. A drive is under no obligation to agree to submit to these tests. These physical field sobriety tests are used by police officers to make a decision in the field whether or not a driver is impaired due to the use of alcohol or drugs. The three standard types of field sobriety tests are as follows:

  • Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus Test (determines if there is jerking of eyes when tracking objects)
  • Walk and Turn Test (determines balance and the ability to follow instructions)
  • One Leg Stand Test (determines balance)

Accuracy of Field Sobriety Tests

The accuracy of field sobriety tests has always been in question, and can never be used alone to convict someone of a DUI. Field sobriety tests are only as reliable and accurate as the police officers that administer them. Certain factors are significant to ensuring the accuracy of a field sobriety test including, the location, lighting, traffic and noise, weather, age and weight of motorist, any medical conditions of the motorist, language barriers, how the instructions were given, and if the officer evaluated the test properly.

Refusal to Take a Field Sobriety Test in Arizona

In Arizona, you have a legal right to refuse to take the administered field sobriety tests from law enforcement. In most cases, a police officer has determined whether they will make an arrest for a DUI based on behavior. Refusal to take a field sobriety test may not change that you may be taken to the police station for suspicion of driving under the influence. A police officer has the right to arrest a person without a field sobriety test or a breathalyzer test.

Contact a DUI Attorney

If you are facing DUI charges, it is important to know that any breathalyzer, blood work, or field sobriety tests you take can be used against you in a DUI case. If you are unsure how your field sobriety test will affect your case, contact an experienced DUI attorney as soon as possible to help you understand your legal rights.
Our firm’s founder, Arja Shah, is a leading defense lawyer in Phoenix, AZ. Her aggressive representation and client services set our firm apart from the rest. You can discuss your case with us by calling (602) 560-7408 or by sending a message through the firm’s request form today.

we are here to help

Fill out the form below, or call us directly at (602) 560-7408 to schedule your free, one-on-one consultation. There is no obligation and all consultations are strictly confidential.


“I was totally impressed and grateful for the expertise and successful case Arja handled for me. She answered my calls immediately and saved me a lot of professional and personal heartache. Arja did a great job refuting the State’s evidence and convinced the Prosecutor that my chewing tobacco was a major issue in the case that the officer did not check.”

Arja Shah Law Firm Reviews
Thomas - Super Extreme DUI
Argued Police Stop Protocols and Reduced to a Fine

“Arja represented me for a DUI case in Scottsdale. I met with her immediately after being charged and she very quickly was able to speak to the prosecutor and get my charges reduced after my initial hearings. She was attentive and easy to talk to. She gets results.”

Arja Shah Law Firm Reviews
Jason - Scottsdale DUI
Felony Charges Reduced to Reckless Driving

“Arja was extremely knowledgeable and kept us up to date on the entire case. I would hire her and recommend her to anyone- although I hope I never need her help again! But if a problem arises I would be sure to call her!!”

Arja Shah Law Firm Reviews
Maggie - Mesa Super Extreme DUI
Super Extreme DUI Reduced to First Time Regular DUI

“Ms. Shah got my charges completely dismissed. She worked hard, was thorough, and took care of all the details. Seriously, hire her. It’s a complete piece of mind.”

Arja Shah Law Firm Reviews
R. Aguilera - Attempted Murder
Attempted Murder Charges DISMISSED

“During my recent DUI case and time spent working with Arja Shah, I can say I had an absolute positive Experience. She was there to represent me and handle my questions and concerns with ease. Thank you.”

Arja Shah Law Firm Reviews
Michael - Phoenix DUI Arrest
Felony DUI Charge Reduced to a Fine

“I endorse this lawyer. She is knowledgeable as well as up-to-date on the latest case law. She is one of the very few attorneys I would recommend to family or friends.”

Arja Shah Law Firm Reviews
Michael Pittman (Attorney Peer)

“First, Arja is a superb and energetic attorney who is always willing to listen and help out in client cases. Second, she works hard for your case to minimize or eliminate penalties for the charges you are facing. She has a good analytical mind and presents your case successfully. Third, she is approachable even outside work hours if the situation calls for it. Always punctual for meetings. Lastly, she is an affordable attorney in comparison to some big-name law firms where personalized and flexible service is almost impossible. The above review is based on my experience derived from her working on my case.”

Arja Shah Law Firm Reviews
T. McCarty- Extreme DUI Charge Possible 30 Days Jail
Reduced to Reckless Driving and a Fine

“Attorney Arja Shah took the time to compile letters from family members and show the Prosecutor that they lacked evidence to move forward with my case. Arja did what she said she would do and was there to help me. Outstanding Attorney.”

Arja Shah Law Firm Reviews
Andrea- Disorderly Conduct and Domestic Violence
Charged Dismissed

Considering the amount of charges I was facing I ended up with the minimum charges I could have received. If it wasn’t for Ms/Mrs. Shah, I would have had to given up everything. I will forever recommend to anybody in need…

Arja Shah Law Firm Reviews
Tyler Goodwill - DUI
Charges Reduced to Minimum
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